Moving up 1 step from Anahata chakra..
Vishudda is translated to, pure or purification; it is the name for the throat chakra and it’s associated colour is blue. It’s element is Ether or sound and the main aspect or purpose of Vishudda chakra is communication and creativity, it’s located at the throat area; it’s related organs are the vocal chords, mouth, throat, ears (very essential in some communications) and the thyroid/parathyroid glands.
The basic right developed with Vishudda chakra is the right to speak or be heard; I feel we’re undergoing massive transition in this with our current changing times – this and our abilities to express our creativity. Expression requires freedom of speech and self in space and time; thus working with this chakra can be massively liberating.
Characteristics displayed in Vishudda chakra when it is balanced are:
- Clear communication
- Good listening and receiving skills
- Freely creative and expressive
- Sense of timing and rhythm
Excess in Vishudda chakra can manifest in signs relating to the following:
- Poor auditory comprehension, or simply an inability to listen
- Gossiping or too much talking (talking as a defense)
- Often interrupting, a dominating voice
Insufficiency in Vishudda chakra sometimes manifests as:
- Introversion or shyness, a fear of speaking, often a weak voice
- Difficulty expressing ones feelings
- Poor rhythm, or tone deaf
If one is interested in healing at this chakra then practices which help to support the balanced characteristics all help, these could be things such as singing, chanting, story telling (if deficient), free and open-ended creativity, releasing shoulder tension, writing a journal or if in excess then practicing silence..
..Next, Ajna Chakra..