Confidence at the heart of it


Confidence, has a lot to answer for..

I used to get so embarrassed about messing up what I was saying and teaching in front of a class, which in turn would make me stumble more and more over my words and delivery.  Especially when in front of a new group of people (teaching or otherwise).

I’d chastise myself for messing up, cursing the dyslexia, my nerves and my decision to choose a job so demanding for the confidence I was lacking.  Nearly 6 years on, I thought I was pretty ok with confidence, well with teaching I’m a lot better, but in personal situations, I seem to have regressed some how (thinking perhaps I haven’t regressed but become more aware of what past awkward feelings and missed interactions have been all about).  This few months rehab period, has been just the ticket to digest and process those difficult interactions and feelings, which I’d previously pushed or distracted out of my way.  It’s left me acknowledging and accepting whole new parts of myself, uncovering different layers where massive confidence issues were lying in wait, to come up and sabotage my interactions with the world at any step..  “You can’t do that..  ..They don’t like you..  You’re weird.. ..People will laugh at you.. ..You don’t have the xxx for that”  I’m sure there’s a lot more you could write here.

Last week I was walking to the tube and passed this guy, he rushed past but seemed to want to say ‘alright?’ to me.  I’d met this guy in the tattoo shop a few months before, we had chatted a lot and he asked for my number.  I wasn’t that interested in him, but having just split up with my ex, I was happy for a distraction and a boost in my confidence from his attention; he was well dressed and spoke well, so why not?  We kept trying to make a date but we were both hard to pin down.  But 2 weeks before last we accidentally met on the street, he expressed keenness to meet up, said he’d message me.  I was on my way back from work at the time, wearing trackie Bs, a baggy jumper and had freshly washed so totally fluffy and crazy hair.  He didn’t ever text me after that, or respond to the text I sent him.  This left me feeling shit, as I already was hating the way I looked that day, well, most days my hair is unruly and sticks out, so most days have been a challenge to completely like the woman in the mirror.

On the train, just after this most recent sighting, my phone was on shuffle for a chillaxed playlist and a meditation came on, it’s about sitting with challenging thoughts/feelings and then dropping into the body to witness how they resonate there. My thoughts were around feeling unattractive and messy, nearly 33 years old and still, unable to master my own hair (and wardrobe at times).  I know I’m fundamentally beautiful but, the world is a harsh place, and not being one of those people who take extra time to make their appearance perfect (or are blessed with easy hair lol), I see the way some people look at or treat me on occasion. I mean, I take great care of myself from the insides out, ensuring my natural attributes are shining; just don’t ask me to straighten my hair everyday, wear fake lashes, tan, etc.

During the mediation, dropping into my body, it was the front of my left, slightly tighter, and lesser functioning shoulder which spoke up; it rounds forwards a bit more than the other, like when you’re hiding a bit from the world and trying to look small.  In Yoga, the left side also relates to the feminine side of you, and it’s this for which I’ve sometimes been ashamed of, not being as well polished or feminine, as much I notice in others or how I used to be at 16.

By identifying that sense, and breathing with it, I was accepting my differences.  Accepting that I don’t want to spend an extra hour getting ready like when I was a teenager, I am enough with my nourished skin, and fine golden hair.  I see all the ads with the models looking great, after 3-4 hours of make up and styling, I choose not to buy into it, and to not be ashamed of myself for it anymore.

If someone wants to judge me for how I look, then I’m happy not knowing them.  Seeing now, how I had put the power of my confidence in someone else’s unwilling and unworthy hands..

By the time I’d arrived at work I felt a lot better, acknowledging and accepting feelings which felt so difficult just one hour before.  I went to teach and I know people always love my classes (the regulars at least), but still I give myself a hard time for not being fun, strong, clear or creative as I want to be. But this realisation and meditation on accepting my crisis in confidence, let me teach without giving myself such a hard time, and everything flowed with much more ease.

We need to be our own best friends rather than worst enemies – if we took out our internal dialog and heard it through the tongue of another person; is that the type of person we’d be friends with?


Then I remember, I am who I am, and I accept myself.
I sometimes feel insecure, and I accept myself.
I feel a mess at times, and I accept myself.
I would rather be chilled than always preening, and I accept myself.
I am beautiful as I am, and I accept myself..


What is Kefir and How does it work!?

Milk Kefir
What is Kefir and How does it work??

Kefir comes in 2 forms, milk or water kefir.  I personally love the thick, and creamy milk Kefir; a super probiotic, tangy, thick and creamy yoghurt/drink, but on a more recent drive to lessen or stop (I’m going to listen to my body here and go with its flow) animal products consumption I’ve moved onto water kefir.

Hence, here I’ll share about both with you depending on your taste..

Eating Kefir can be of benefit to your body in many ways:

  • Helps to optimise good digestion
  • Regulate bowel movements
  • Heighten immunity
  • Help balance the guts in dysbiosis (imbalance between the good and bad bacteria in the gut)

For more information on Milk Kefir go here!

For Water Kefir head over here! 😛

I personally have found drinking it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning is the best, especially if your newer to super pro-biotic drinks, as depending on your internal bacteria and composition, it can have an adverse effect in needing the bathroom or feeling bloated. It’s probably important to add that not one glove fits all with foods and drinks, I love this stuff, it’s really been a help to me, I can drink it any time of the day without unwanted repurcusions but then I’ve been working with probiotics for about the last decade, when I learnt that they might be the key to helping me with my digestion and multitude of disorders which can come when the body is struggling to process foods. It took me a couple of years to work out my rhythm and what works best for my body. I see this as a bit of a medicine, in that not everyone needs it. As a child I suffered from a lot of ear aches and so had a lot of anti-biotics, as well as always having a fussy tummy (not being breastfed is one thing I’m curious if lead into this but can’t be sure) but having a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease in my 20s was a sure sign that my processing internally needed some additional support. This may resonate with you, it may not, if you feel the impulse to try, then try! There’s no harm in it, so long as if it doesn’t feel right that you discontinue trying 🙂

My favorite natural cleaner


I love being messy, I can’t fight the fact that sometimes I get clumsy and throw whole bottles or bags of things up in the air.

I also love being clean, it seems to help calm my mind.

However, being both a messy and a clean person AND one who cares about the environment AND who has sensitive skin is pretty tricky and can be time consuming aiming to meet all these needs.

Thus, I was SO happy when I found my favorite brand of cleaning products:  Method.  There mission statement is:

 “to inspire a happy and healthy home revolution”


If you’re still using chemicals, go buy a bottle of this!  They smell really nice too (my faves are featured in the picture above) 😉


Happy Home xx

Homemade natural deodorant

cocoloco pits

Coconut Oil + Bicarbonate of Soda.  Done.

Coconut Oil:

  • Moisturising and antibacterial (it’s excessive bacteria having a pit party which is usually the cause for stinky pits),

Bicarbonate of Soda/Baking Soda*:

  • Helps to neutralise odor and absorb excessive sweat
  • Balances pH
  • Prevents dramatic staining of clothing, unlike conventional products

This recipe has changed my life.  Not wanting to use chemicals anymore; I had tried a lot of natural brands and usually feeling smelly, sticky and yucky by 10am, thanks to Lily for the tip.

Here’s the how:

  • To FRESH, Clean pits, apply a generous but not excessive amount of coconut oil (whole pit coverage advised).
  • Place some baking soda in the lid of the container or on a small dish, see to it it’s not clumpy.
  • Use your fingers to dab on to your pits (it may take a couple of days to get the hang of amounts right for you but main advice here is less is more, start small and build up a bit if you feel you need it)*.


Why I choose the natural path:

Basically, in my opinion, chemicals are unnecessary and in many cases not sufficiently tested for their long term effects on humans or the surrounding environments.  Also clogging up your pores with so many chemicals, especially with the prevalence of things such as breast and lymph node cancer, seems unwise if you don’t have to.  Your armpits are a gland-fest and especially if shaved or waxed and thus over-exposed, need to be treated with care.

The FDA of the USA would disagree with me but if you have watched or read ‘The world according to Monsanto‘ and taken in some of the factual evidence it’s found in relation to the corruption of such Government regulated authorities, then you too would question the word of the general governance of the consumer industry..  Through personal home experimentation and reading about other’s experiences I’ve concluded that natural ingredients harmonise with my body off less; and thus this is the direction feel I can trust the most.

Finally, I was fed up with throwing away decent tops due to the yellow hardening under the arms looking unsightly -this is a wardrobe saver too!

Thanks and happy sweating. x

*Note, if skin is irritated before hand the bicarb may exacerbate symptoms, may also help in this case to wash briefly each night and reapply straight coconut oil to nourish your skin 😉  Stop using if it dries out your skin too much!