Friday 13th, Unlucky for Some


Friday 13th, Freaky Friday.  I have never really understood why.

Some people are superstitious of numbers, some of black cats, some of walking over a certain number of drains; and others even more crazy things.

This Friday 13th marks a D day for me, D as in Divorce.  The BIG D, especially at age 33, I never expected this to be happening for me.

However, I don’t see this as a freaky day, or a bad day.  I see this as the end of an era to be celebrated.  I couldn’t have married a better person, it’s just a shame that we live in very different worlds which were only able to align (or collide as one may see it) for a short time.

I’ve had the opportunity to be with my ex’s name for over 5 years now.  Not sure of what name I’ll be wearing next year.  But. on my way to finalise paperwork, on today, Friday the 13th, I grasp how lucky I’ve been.

Uncivil divorces and breakups being rife, and a standard set about decent people and not accepting less.  I have accepted less, and more in some ways, in the past 2 years since we separated.  But, it’s great to reflect and accept some of my own flaws as well as basic standards which need to be met when it comes to letting someone intimately into one’s life.  Those amazing ex’s, they are the ones which make me feel lucky that I know what I’m worth, the others I can chalk up to experience.

2016 A Year for Clarity


Wow.  What a year..  How was your 2015 for you?..

We’re continually encouraged to grow and connect with the wider world, at least astrologically and energetically speaking..  Getting clear about what we are and what we are not; seeing more reflections of our innate values and innocent self; beyond social and familial conditioning..

Christmas can be a great time to see a run through of the generations, witnessing at large, the changes happening as we all grow towards a new paradigm.  Perhaps, also being able to allow grace on those traits we see in our parents, and our parents parents, or our churches or society which have previously driven us to insanity or despair.  The cold (ish, it’s on it’s way!) air clearing the mind and allowing a much needed opportunity for reflection; a time to see ourselves more clearly and to be able to reflect these self-realisations into our expressions.  Not falling back into the comfortable, known, confused, disconnected and deluded self..

In 2016, pay attention to your reality; pay attention to those around you, the reflections received and the projections you may still be making..  We are all mirrors; to be able to detach from certain ways of being (without getting drawn in and replaying old stories of the victim, the bully or the child), in order to empower our living more in alignment with our ‘higher’ selves.  Acting more consciously, seeing those reflections which make us grimace or feel a strong emotion, and not dismissing them as someone else’s shit but seeing that it’s OUR buttons which are being pushed.  Thus, feeling the emotions, making the most of a chance to further connect with a potentially hidden part of oneself, and to grow awareness of and beyond those things we see, not only to grow from the reflections we don’t enjoy seeing, but from the ones which we enjoy too.  It’s not about self-sacrifice but self-actualisation, and this ever expanding and blossoming realisation of self is how we further come into harmony with our surroundings, nature and our homes.  When feeling this connection to the Earth and each other, how can we not treat them with the same love we are craving as individuals?

Happy new year kids.  Remember that drunk youth who falls into you on the dance floor hasn’t got the beef if it’s YOU (or me) who is getting angry at the situation..  Have a great 2016.



Source of Astrological information and inspiration:


Spring Awakening

spring awaken

Finally March is nearly here!  We’ve made it through the coldest times!! Now to ditch the excess eating and hibernation habits.

The time is here to reawaken the spring in your step and put your best intentions forwards and into action.

What are you hoping to achieve this year?

Unless you’ve been in a cave you’re probably aware that we’re all undergoing a massive shift right now; from living in the head into the heart, the left side of the brain easing up to the right.  Many people and places are having great shake ups to help dispel the pain and oppression we’re coming out through now.  From Fukushima to Kiev, Venezuela to Iraq; Indonesia to Syria, Snowden to Assange; London to Berlin; the dolphins, the rain forests and needless frackin’..

Now is the time we need to consult with our real selves, our nature deep down, so we can be aware of the truth of our business and can get on with doing the things which truly matter to us..

The best and only place we can start is with ourselves – Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation (however you like to find your head space)  all help to tune into our truths; which can then take us closer to our real futures and each other.  Feel the Love in Life.


Namaste, have a sparkly day 🙂


The Secret to having a ‘Great’ day Everyday

good day every day

Have you ever had one of those mornings, days, weeks, years; where EVERYTHING goes ‘wrong’?  You’re late for work or an appointment, bad hair day and no time to re-wash it, destructive relationship, dead relative, or a major illness in your life..

Me too; too many times!  Until I learnt the secret ‘Happy’ and ‘Successful’ people use to make everyday a ‘good’ day.

I dropped my definition of ‘good’ and with that, dropped my expectations of what ‘should’ happen in this portion of life I’m experiencing.  This wasn’t so much of an overnight revelation as 6 months, back and forth, giving myself a little space and time to reflect on these ‘good’ and ‘bad’ days.  For example:

  • I’m late for work or I missed my train (which usually happened on days where I was more tired) -> which meant I actually got a seat to relax in, or it kept me standing so I didn’t end up groggy at my destination.
  • My boyfriend was a bit psycho and I wasted a year in his company, feeling like sh*t -> he taught me a LOT about myself, how strong I am and what I don’t want in a relationship.
  • Hair goes mental with only minutes to spare to get out of the flat -> I learn a creative way to work my mane (today is pretty special if you see me!), or I wear a hat which gets me talking to someone really interesting who appreciates my ‘style’.
  • I got really sick and ended up in hospital for 7 weeks -> This gave me space to reflect on how I was hurting myself and time away from the life I was forcing which wasn’t right for me anymore.

And the list goes on.

So if you’re in a ‘bad’ patch, try to focus on what life is highlighting to you, rather than how your plans seem to have ‘failed’.  Carefully listening to life to show you what it is you need to make you happy in the long run.


Love xxx