Is it my condition? Or this world we live in?

Maybe I need to go live in a small village in Africa/India. I saw this video of Gabor Maté had been shared just after I wrote the poem below, trying to muddle through the highs and lows that seem to be concurrent with life.. Wasn’t going to post the poem because I don’t want to be judge or pitied by others (so I put it out to Facebook as a trial run, and got an appreciated response,  and thus wanted to share it here too).  I have a feeling it’s not just me and sometimes by sharing your daemons you can let others know you’re on the continuum together. No one is ‘normal’, it’s just our society likes boxes and unless you fit into a box then life can be pretty insane…


I listen, I read, I write
I process, I allow and yet still I fight..
The words of elders resonate about my being, talking of a lighter path which I think I’m seeing..
Is it this human disposition to continuously forget? Or my reason for being, I did not meet yet?
All these offerings of advice, even when wound up all succinct and concise;
in one moment they liberate my soul, in the next, I’m lost and again feel vexed..
Where do I turn when it feels like all I can do is run?
Run away or run to? I’m not sure but I’m oh so confused.
Yet again, the pearls of wisdom flood in from outside. They break the pain and make the clouds subside..
Until, the next thought comes in and crowds my mind again.
I meditate, I mediate, I relax and try not to try… But then I once again break down and cry.

Is it my condition? Or this world we live in?
To label my disposition; dyslexia, dyspraxia, hormonal or autism?..
But what do these tags really define? Am I so different? Or is it just the time?
I hear the wise words loud and clear. I pray that perhaps some ability to manage myself is near.


The Secret to having a ‘Great’ day Everyday

good day every day

Have you ever had one of those mornings, days, weeks, years; where EVERYTHING goes ‘wrong’?  You’re late for work or an appointment, bad hair day and no time to re-wash it, destructive relationship, dead relative, or a major illness in your life..

Me too; too many times!  Until I learnt the secret ‘Happy’ and ‘Successful’ people use to make everyday a ‘good’ day.

I dropped my definition of ‘good’ and with that, dropped my expectations of what ‘should’ happen in this portion of life I’m experiencing.  This wasn’t so much of an overnight revelation as 6 months, back and forth, giving myself a little space and time to reflect on these ‘good’ and ‘bad’ days.  For example:

  • I’m late for work or I missed my train (which usually happened on days where I was more tired) -> which meant I actually got a seat to relax in, or it kept me standing so I didn’t end up groggy at my destination.
  • My boyfriend was a bit psycho and I wasted a year in his company, feeling like sh*t -> he taught me a LOT about myself, how strong I am and what I don’t want in a relationship.
  • Hair goes mental with only minutes to spare to get out of the flat -> I learn a creative way to work my mane (today is pretty special if you see me!), or I wear a hat which gets me talking to someone really interesting who appreciates my ‘style’.
  • I got really sick and ended up in hospital for 7 weeks -> This gave me space to reflect on how I was hurting myself and time away from the life I was forcing which wasn’t right for me anymore.

And the list goes on.

So if you’re in a ‘bad’ patch, try to focus on what life is highlighting to you, rather than how your plans seem to have ‘failed’.  Carefully listening to life to show you what it is you need to make you happy in the long run.


Love xxx