New Moon in Leo


As you may know, this New Moon in Leo (August 2nd) is the perfect time to set intentions.  The sign of Leo representing in essence, the golden child, the shining individual whom isn’t afraid to put him or her self first.  Potentially leading into being overly self-centred, but the balance of that being a self-empowered and creative individual.

Being overly selfish could be a sign that some fundamental needs aren’t being met through self-empowerment, and therefore we can feel a struggle to survive or thrive and thus to try and compensate with greed.  Also, a sense of lacking, low energy and, anger when other people don’t behave towards us as we would prefer; can all indicate a deficiency in self-looking after and self-response-ability.  Last lunar month seemed to start this rebalancing of looking after myself, properly, and I witnessed it in several others whom were crossing my path too.

This month, with the New Moon in Leo we have an energetic driver into finding and expressing our own true creative flare.  That’s not to say it’s to the disadvantage of others, as if we can be sure we’ve been nourishing and taking good care of ourselves then, we can handle it if someone does need to tell us we’ve stood on their toes, without anyone having to get upset and angry; and vice versa.  It’s a fantastic time to find balance in allowing ourselves to have some fun and make some space for ourselves, whilst in harmony and communication with those around us.

Allow yourself to take whatever space you need for you, 2016 has been massive in clearing spaces, jobs, relationships, and other out of alignment things which are out of alignment for where your journey is heading.  See what comes to heart and mind for you to focus on this month, do you need any help to create space for yourself and your adventure?  I’ve also been sensing a massive pull to look at our ancestry for some more information in healing old wounds which may have been carried down the familial lines.  Quite often what needs space and recreating is the belief systems passed down the generations, perhaps unknowingly imprisoning families for generations into patterns we now have the energy to change and recreate into something we choose, and which can serve us in these new times.

Liberate your inner lion or lioness.  Grrrrrrr 😉  Create the space and the life you deserve..

Winter Solstice New Moon in Capricorn – Ground and Create!


Today, 21st December marks not only the New moon but also, Winter Solstice, the start of our Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the shortest day of the year..  Time to turn attentions once again to whatever it is that we are currently dreaming or driving in life; new moon (and the Sun) in Capricorn, an Earth sign, thus move from a grounded place.  Take some time today, set your intentions, ground into your self and the Earth, take action, manifest.

Tune into the Earth, listen to your heart; find that something which may make both sing and maybe already welling up inside you, trust your instincts..  The sign of Capricorn being organised, wise and diligent, a leader up the mountain (mountain goat!); this energy is with us for the taking; how could you use this Earthy, strong driving force right now?

Honor all parts of you, take action on what’s important; if you’re not feeling the pull of something new, if you’re not experiencing this shifting and opening then listen to your heart if, there is another way you’d like to live..  Take some time to consider and meditate on what it is you want out of life and run with it, what’s the worst that could happen, really?  Discriminate any fears & move forwards..  Combining winter winds and cooler climates to clear the head; if there’s ever a time to press on with integrity, now is it, focus and create..

What is it you prefer?  How is it you intend to move forwards with our global family movement?  Share.  Inspire.  Love.

My intentions:

  • See into and through my own shadow, using a loving gaze rather than fear of that which maybe darker in me, challenge all of my preconceived ideas with love.
  • Build the classes, share my version of happy body, mind and soul like I am being asked for, rather than hiding behind the fear of rejection..
  • Global awareness, environmental cleanliness, supporting those which also support our planet, actively building this in community.



Refs I Love:

New Moon in Leo on Saturday


That time of the month is again here, letting go of what you found in the past phase and intention setting for the new..

New moon in Leo and the Sun coming into Leo from Cancer, giving us a great space to get rid of things we bore/bare from childhood (and prior).  Having gratitude for the path up until now but creating an even more apt definition(s) for how we want to see ourselves going forwards; appreciating and going more into how we prefer to be, and how we chose to experience life.

What’s getting you excited this month?


Much love x

What a weekend…. New Moon Happy Mothers Day too!


Spring has it’s way of getting things to freshen up, move along and get the party starting..

With the New Moon in Aries today, Mothers day in the UK, rounding up to my last week of full-time ‘in the system’ working, expanding my family (a brother rather than a baby, not quite ready for motherhood yet!), meeting some fabulous, intelligent and spiritual lovers, and feeling all star-struck by being in the same space as the beautiful Johnny Depp; it really is time to lay down those intentions for the next month..

What do I want to create from here?.

How can I best fulfill my life for the good and love of our universal, global consciousness?


Time to meditate as there’s no time to hesitate..  How best to let go, remembering you just gotta go with the flow..


Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.  Much love  xx


New Moon Tomorrow – What’s your intention?

open up

New Moon Tomorrow Morning, 8.00am in the UK to be precise 😉

This new moon is in the constellation of Pisces.  This means it’s a good opportunity to set intentions for our personal growth and to make important life changes.  This could be things such as:

  • Accepting ourselves as we are (loving our imperfections)
  • Gathering the strength to change what we feel isn’t serving us
  • Start a project which gets our creative juices going
  • To give ourselves enough space and time to find some inner peace
  • Sharing our dreams and collude with another


For me, this month I intend to:

  • Gain greater clarity in my decisions by listening to myself more
  • To focus my energy more when I need to and thus maximise all of productive, fun, and relaxing times
  • Being softer with myself (and thus also with others)
  • Do more of what I love to earn my living, dropping that which I no longer need and which I feel is holding me back (eeek scary one!)


What’s your intention?

Have a fantastic weekend xxx