New Year Same Old BS


It’s been quite refreshing to see different public figures NOT talking about setting new years resolutions, but perhaps I’ve managed to miss it through my lack of engagement with the mainstream media..

A friend asked me this week what super intention I had set for the coming year (yes we use the ‘intentions’ terminology rather than resolution, as to claim not to do something for a year, I’ve learnt, is a pretty lame idea for me, tell me I can’t and I’ll probably have to do it just to break the rules).  My response to this is to continue with the work I started 6 months ago, back in the June/July new moon, it’s all about me.  I’d set the intention after my marriage-rebound relationship break up, as I’d realised my past error of never putting my needs first, and thankfully 6 months on I’m reaping the benefits of having a me centric life.  Yes, there is someone I love and care for deeply in my life (as well as of course my family, friends, clients etc) but I’ll still never change this intention for the world.

My intention is to be the best of me, and to help those close to me to do the same.  EmPower.

Personally, I don’t see the point in trying to stop yourself from doing something ‘bad’ for you, as there is psychology around why we choose to do ‘bad’ things to ourselves or others, and similar to the point I made in my other blog post; if you’re hurting, you’re not going to be good to anyone else, let alone yourself.  I’ve quit smoking by seeing that it hurts me, it hurts my amazing body and these days, I’d rather nourish it than damage it.  It CAN be and IS that simple.  I decided to stop letting people take advantage of me and to express and request my worth, letting my world be all about me and let’s say I’ve never had better relationships with others now too.

Range Of Motion, Different for Everyone

Range of Motion

All along our physical journey (regardless of yoga interactions) there are people who seem stronger, more flexible and all round more able.

I see my ego be sparked by this still daily, but I’m not so much letting this influence me.  Yes, I still am on my own path of continuous development but no, I no longer look at others, or their range of motion, as a bench mark of where I need to be.  Similarly, when peers and students alike say ‘I’d love to be able to do that’  it’s not always appropriate to deliver this message.

I thought when I started yoga, especially getting into teaching, that one day my spine would straighten out and I’d be able to continue to lengthen my adho mukha (down dog) and paschimottonasana (deep forward bend).  But to be honest; my body doesn’t seem to want to go that way and I’ve given up trying to force those shapes on my already super mobile and somewhat asymmetrical self.

Another truth, which appears to be held in many different camps of thought, is that some bodies are born more mobile, with a larger range of motion than others.

Whereas some bodies are so mobile it can cause pain and injuries so much more easily; but it also means they ‘get into’ those shapes we all look at with awe.  Generally also (clearly not for everyone), a lot of yoga, dance and gymnastics tend to have this innate mobility within their joints and muscles – hence the propensity for more mobile people to work in careers which work with this innate ‘ability’.  The different camps of thought around hypermobility/hyperlax joints is too deep to get into here, but basically, some people ignore it, some people don’t know about it, and some people seem to suffer tremendously from it.  For me, I know my joints have a larger than ‘normal’ range of motion which has caused me issues in the past.  But instead of focusing on the bits which don’t feel so good, and getting anxious that it’s too much, I focus on alignment, spirals and loops within my body to help me to make the most out of physical movement practices.  I also work a lot with Pilates.

Thus, basically, some people bend more than others.  This need not be a reason to quit your journey into physical practice but just to add as a back note when watching teachers, peers or others on their YouTube channel, that their Range Of Motion may be pre-set different to yours.  And, If you are naturally more flexible, finding your edges maybe harder than for stiffer bodies so be mindful not to push your already flexible body into shapes it may regret upon recoiling.

Let your ego wrap around these words and have a break from competing (get into Your yoga!).  Not looking to judge others who might bend deeper, or not, but to let yourself off the hook of pushing too much into those shapes that are made by those who do.  Find your edge with patience and observation, and feel into how much you’re ready to move beyond it, in THIS moment.  See, feel and honor every step of your journey, enjoy your challenges, not challenging your differences compared to another.

Love and patience shared to all who continue to learn, for by continuing to learn we continue to grow in LIFE and LOVE.



I’m grateful for all my friends, family, teachers, students, and randoms who reflect aspects of myself previously unseen.

I’m grateful for my warm, light, happy and nurturing home; in a location I love.

I’m grateful for my life’s purpose, and what it brings me from amazing people, to profound experiences.

I’m grateful for my health, for the health of my body, mind and spirit…

I’m grateful I fill my belly with healthy, tasty and nourishing food; and that I can take a hot shower and lay in a comfy bed, each and every day.

You’ve probably seen it too, all those people who do gratitude 100 days or weeks or something.  I’m not going to do that.  Instead, I’ll just say it once on here; that’s enough.  As truly, deeply, I do, or in the least have the intention to honor these things for EVERYDAY so long as I’m breathing and thinking..  I don’t wish to compare my path to others and be happy I am not x, y, z; but to perhaps offer inspiration for any readers, who don’t already, to have their own gratitude list too!

It’s not about what you have,  It’s about your state of mind..

Building life a new


Nutrition, movement, fitness and food have been fastidious points in my life since I can remember.  How exciting it feels for me to be working with them in a more organised and structured manner!  As well as having the potential to not only further optimise my own condition, but the general health of others too!

By working with my TRUE passions and my husband and community; I am finally able to let go of my financial safety blanket (which I am very grateful to have had); checking out of the full-time office role and into following my excitement!  I feel very blessed and grateful for this opportunity I’ve created along with much support from my husband, you and everyone else in this community, and believe strongly that when following ones TRUE PASSION, with FOCUS, DEDICATION and FULL ATTENTION; we can literally achieve ANYTHING..

Much love & thanks


I want to be me: Unadulterated Expression

I want to be me

I want to be me,

Not who you want to be,

Or who they want to be.

Just me.


With the chance of free expression,

Finding my passion,

I’ve no need for fashion,

Because I’ve got taste.

It might not be your taste,

It may look out of place,

But that’s fine.


Perfect imperfection,

Individual satisfaction,

Self -aware

Unadulterated expression.


Yours and mine,

Hers and his,

In this time,

They’re all fine.




Mixing it up.

Interlinking, interweaving our different chemistry structures.


This space and time,

It’s our prime.


Time moving faster than ever,

We’ve ALL got to learn to live together –

Humans, sheep, wolves, trees, birds, fish and bees

It feels hard to do but it gets easy you’ll see.


We all need each other,

Remember, every man is your brother.

Love one another.


Peace x