All this rage keeps welling up inside of me;
longing, desiring, KNOWING I am to be FREE.
Drag myself out of bed, stumble into the door,
Stick on some coffee, But still I need more.
So I stretch, bend, shaking out the sleep from last night,
And all those days, months, years, decades where they’ve made us fight..
“Be better than him, do more than her.
You’re going to need more money that one can occur!”
Force feed, watching the clock;
Wanted to be mindful here and not just fill up,
Over filling, compensating,
For the love that seems to just keep hating –
Hating the job, the rat race commute,
No body to hear my major dispute.
All day sitting in that chair,
The state of my body leading me into despair..
Everyone obey, with orderly strife.
Still winding up no closer to life.
Wanting to contribute to the world, dying to help;
These tools at my finger tips but no time while playing in this hell.
The duty -doody, the job we need to have to pay each bill
Doody = the crap that just makes me unwell.
I want to contribute, I really want to help,
But I know now, this must start with myself.
What is the gift I really need to receive?
What is the thing which can only be given by me?
I feel the peace we can all achieve,
Without everyday having to grieve.
Grieve for the love that we need not deceive,
Grieve for places we hope we can see.
Tension, anger, fear and doubt;
Is this what life is really about??
I’m not buying into that sh*t anymore,
Life is EXCITING, and it’s knocking at the door!
Expanding and living, feeling the love from within.
Stop wasting, instead tasting,
The the kind of world you want your family in.
Tune in, get livin’