Winter Solstice New Moon in Capricorn – Ground and Create!


Today, 21st December marks not only the New moon but also, Winter Solstice, the start of our Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the shortest day of the year..  Time to turn attentions once again to whatever it is that we are currently dreaming or driving in life; new moon (and the Sun) in Capricorn, an Earth sign, thus move from a grounded place.  Take some time today, set your intentions, ground into your self and the Earth, take action, manifest.

Tune into the Earth, listen to your heart; find that something which may make both sing and maybe already welling up inside you, trust your instincts..  The sign of Capricorn being organised, wise and diligent, a leader up the mountain (mountain goat!); this energy is with us for the taking; how could you use this Earthy, strong driving force right now?

Honor all parts of you, take action on what’s important; if you’re not feeling the pull of something new, if you’re not experiencing this shifting and opening then listen to your heart if, there is another way you’d like to live..  Take some time to consider and meditate on what it is you want out of life and run with it, what’s the worst that could happen, really?  Discriminate any fears & move forwards..  Combining winter winds and cooler climates to clear the head; if there’s ever a time to press on with integrity, now is it, focus and create..

What is it you prefer?  How is it you intend to move forwards with our global family movement?  Share.  Inspire.  Love.

My intentions:

  • See into and through my own shadow, using a loving gaze rather than fear of that which maybe darker in me, challenge all of my preconceived ideas with love.
  • Build the classes, share my version of happy body, mind and soul like I am being asked for, rather than hiding behind the fear of rejection..
  • Global awareness, environmental cleanliness, supporting those which also support our planet, actively building this in community.



Refs I Love:

What a weekend…. New Moon Happy Mothers Day too!


Spring has it’s way of getting things to freshen up, move along and get the party starting..

With the New Moon in Aries today, Mothers day in the UK, rounding up to my last week of full-time ‘in the system’ working, expanding my family (a brother rather than a baby, not quite ready for motherhood yet!), meeting some fabulous, intelligent and spiritual lovers, and feeling all star-struck by being in the same space as the beautiful Johnny Depp; it really is time to lay down those intentions for the next month..

What do I want to create from here?.

How can I best fulfill my life for the good and love of our universal, global consciousness?


Time to meditate as there’s no time to hesitate..  How best to let go, remembering you just gotta go with the flow..


Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.  Much love  xx


Full Moon (this Sunday)


The full moon occurs when the moon is directly opposite the sun and thus when it’s interaction with the sun is at it’s strongest.  It’s notorious with many that the irregularities which occur on a full moon are of significance; this super charge of energy however, can come out as insanity if not noticed and meditated upon accordingly..  Or, it could be seen as an opportunity to help the fruition of our goals which were set at the new moon, with this additional energy helping us to see and develop beyond any current obstacles.

Happy weekend to you, much love 🙂 xxx