Cool-Headed amidst CoronaVirus

Dear dears,
during these uncertain times (a common phrase right now, I’m sure!), I would like to be barer of pragmatism in the hope to help those in my community to be able to stay in one’s centre and personal power. 

To not succumb to fear and its effects on our health; mentally, physically, socially and economically.  By writing this I’m not meaning to ignore advice about not spreading this further, or to undermine the awful wave of deaths across the globe but, to remind us all, that worrying literally does nothing.


Despite statistics and educated opinions, we actually cannot predict the future. We have an idea. There are many speculations on why this is happening, and where it is going, but this is based on the fact of the known, but the unknowns are plentiful and we will never actually uncover all of them.

All we can do is to stay present and aware so that we may be able to respond as best we can, not from a place of fear and over-thinking, but from a place of being rational and cool-headed amidst coronavirus unnerving times; responding as and how changes occur. Without our presence, we can jump to panic and often very much disempower ourselves and those others trying to help (see nurses reaction to empty shelves with all this panic buying). In scary times, we can often want someone to take the reigns and tell us it’ll be OK, to look for advice in the opinion of another (simply as I state here, just my opinion but I hope it to empower individuals, not to take away). but really, who knows for sure?

What can we do to quell the nagging anxieties telling us we might be housebound for 6 months? Or that everything may go to rubbish?!

What can we actually find safety or confidence in? The only sure ground anyone has is one’s sense of centre. As we practice in Pilates, meditation or yoga (and beyond, this is simply my remit), to find balance, to find that strong, easy place, to be where we can continue to breathe normally, despite the external factors and pressures. THIS is the only secure place for us, even the strongest house will crumble in time.

I wish to offer my services and experience as a means to help keep those around me empowered and centred so that as a whole community, we may each make the best decisions regarding ourselves and others, as opposed to reacting on fear of the unknown and massive speculations. 

Thus, I’ll be offering zoom or Skype sessions, open Pilates/meditation/yoga depending on what I feel like and what’s requested/I hear around me. Also, I’ll be continuing to offer private sessions via this medium. All sessions will be based on donation, as in, if you’re still receiving payment from your employment, or not, anticipating your fairness for us both (my work is usually all face to face and 99% of my employers ceased my employment as soon as they’ve closed their doors). Please do get in touch via my contact form if you wish to know more.

Let’s all stay in our personal power of clear minds, decisiveness and health in physical, emotional and psychological regards. 

With love, Christine

Manipura Chakra


Moving up from Swadisthana Chakra to..

Manipura (mani = jewel, pura = dwelling place), also known as the solar plexus chakra.  It is depicted by the colour yellow and associated to the fire element; it’s located just above the belly button where it has it works with the digestive system.  Manipura is also thought to have governance over our muscles too, thus potentially a link to why it has a relation to power.

In terms of developmental work, manipura is associated with our power and transformation; power funnily enough coming back to the ‘power house’ of the core-muscles and the digestive fire, hence it is also stimulated when we use uddiyana bhanda (core lock) during our physical yoga practice.

Balanced characteristics of this chakra exhibit in a person as:

  • Having good self-esteem and confidence, being balanced through the ego
  • Being responsible and reliable
  • Having a good yet warm sense of humor
  • Possessing good self-discipline

Or perhaps if you feeling the fire or power struggles in life one may be exhibit excess, deficiency, or both, in this chakra; manifesting in things such as..

Deficient characteristics:

  • Low-energy and self-esteem
  • Poor digestion
  • Passive and unreliable
  • Victim mentality

Excessive characteristics:

  • Hyperactive
  • Overly aggressive, manipulative and controlling
  • Stubborn and competitive
  • Need to be right and have the last word

Of course, like anything, if you feel you could do with some help with some points listed above, that’s the biggest step towards achieving your own balance in life.  Yoga is simply one mechanism which can help you to get in tune with yourself and any issues you may be presenting; it’s about seeing the choice between being victim, perpetrator and empower-er of the life you love.

..Next is Anahata Chakra, at the heart..
