Moving up from Swadisthana Chakra to..
Manipura (mani = jewel, pura = dwelling place), also known as the solar plexus chakra. It is depicted by the colour yellow and associated to the fire element; it’s located just above the belly button where it has it works with the digestive system. Manipura is also thought to have governance over our muscles too, thus potentially a link to why it has a relation to power.
In terms of developmental work, manipura is associated with our power and transformation; power funnily enough coming back to the ‘power house’ of the core-muscles and the digestive fire, hence it is also stimulated when we use uddiyana bhanda (core lock) during our physical yoga practice.
Balanced characteristics of this chakra exhibit in a person as:
- Having good self-esteem and confidence, being balanced through the ego
- Being responsible and reliable
- Having a good yet warm sense of humor
- Possessing good self-discipline
Or perhaps if you feeling the fire or power struggles in life one may be exhibit excess, deficiency, or both, in this chakra; manifesting in things such as..
Deficient characteristics:
- Low-energy and self-esteem
- Poor digestion
- Passive and unreliable
- Victim mentality
Excessive characteristics:
- Hyperactive
- Overly aggressive, manipulative and controlling
- Stubborn and competitive
- Need to be right and have the last word
Of course, like anything, if you feel you could do with some help with some points listed above, that’s the biggest step towards achieving your own balance in life. Yoga is simply one mechanism which can help you to get in tune with yourself and any issues you may be presenting; it’s about seeing the choice between being victim, perpetrator and empower-er of the life you love.
..Next is Anahata Chakra, at the heart..