Holiday Gifting without the Plastic and Waste

Conscious holiday giving.  It’s not all about Consumerism, and no it’s not about religion too, well not for me. For me it goes back further than that.

Maybe it’s too late, maybe you already bought half the shops out of stock, or maybe you’ve been waiting for the green light to grinch it up too..

Each year this becomes a stronger pull for me to not want to give or recieve things.

For me, it simply seems crazy (like many things, too many things to mention haha) that we would keep spending our hard earned cash on frivolous trash which is basically utilised for 1 day, ever, as next year of course, there will be another band of buying to replace the discarded items from this year past.. And the cycle continues.

Maybe I am a grinch, or an overly deep thinker but to me it seems we need a few more people to have some discernment around things so easily manipulated by media, big brands and ideals which clearly don’t care for the future of generations, even if they pretend to care for 1 or 2 days à year, to get us to give them more money.

If we really look at it, astrologically if we look at science and physics, Christmas, as in the 24th, is the 3rd day after the solstice (we usually have 3 days to feel the effects of shifts and changes within the planets, moon and stars, ie the sun), the birth of the sun from the darkness, or as christians see it the birth of the son of God.

We are celebrating the returning of light, in the northern hemisphere, the sun, the giver of life (watch a plant or human try to grow without light), for me THIS is the miracle. The simple fact of light and warmth from the Sun God coming back to help food and air-cleaning trees to regrow (you know, the real essentials). All of this with the presence of the ones we love, a cold time, great to eat, drink, hibernate and be merry with them.

I don’t understand why we’ve allowed media companies to turn this into another excuse to make money.  “Oh the economy”…  There are more important things to life than economics and capitalism.

Money comes and goes, but our time and people in our lives, never again will the chance of these moments come back.  I would rather visit someone I love, do something together.  Or make a gift of warmth, or find something to bring them light (without the packaging).

Consciousness seems to be the new fad, which seems ironic, from my perspective, considering the above.  Hence, if we’re ‘being conscious’, why not include conscious gifting this holiday period?

Love n peace x


I may not have perfect teeth but I still have a fantastic smile 😀

I may not have perfect skin, but all my inners all stay in 😉

I may have frizzy hair, but not paying attention to how I should look, I just. Don’t care. 

With so much stigma on how people look, on having the perfect hair, skin, face, clothes. I feel refreshed to share how I’m breaking free from media (commercial and social) influence. Follow me @christine_suzuki_core_focus for more ideas on how to reclaim YOU.

photo credit @cosmic_agent Miguel Echeverria

Milk Kefir

Kefir Mushrooms

Kefir sours more the longer you leave it to ferment, this is due to the grains constantly breaking down the lactose in milk kefir. Lactose is the milk sugar that the mushrooms use as food. They then produce beneficial bacteria.

The beneficial bacteria you get in standard yogurt are known as ‘transient bacteria’. That is, they pass through your guts and don’t stay around long enough to have much of a beneficial impact. However, the bacteria in milk kefir at home actually colonise in the digestive tract. This can help with your digestion more substantially and for longer periods of time.

Making milk kefir at home means you can choose which milk to make it with. It is also a lot cheaper, and uses less plastic if any as compared to buying it in a shop.  Making milk kefir yourself also means you can ferment it for as long as or as little you like.

Which milks can it be made with?

The best milk is organic animal milk, organic as it tastes much better in creaminess and animal ethics. As well, it shouldn’t contain the many chemicals fed to non-organic milk-producing animals.  Skimmed to full fat are all fine, depends on how thick you like it. Skimmed turns out more like a drink, full fat turns out more like yogurt.  My current favourite is goats milk or coconut milk (which needs to have some kind of sugars/food to feed the mushrooms) also works for short intervals. Animal milk seems to make the grains happiest in the long term. If using plant-based, it’s usually necessary to feed them animal milk once every few weeks to keep them alive!

How is it made?

The Kefir yogurt is made using Kefir grains/mushrooms placed into milk.  After a day or so the yogurt is ready to be strained from the grains. It is ready to use immediately on its own or in a smoothy or milk shake.

Equipment Required:

  • Plastic Sieve, 15 – 20cm diameter, whatever size fits best over your bowl (yes it needs to be plastic as metal can kill the grains/mushrooms, I got mine from a local cooks shop)
  • Glass jar which will allow air out but not in (i.e. a Kilner Jar)
  • Wooden spoon (need I say more, have a dedicated one for kefir)
  • Ceramic, glass, china, any non-metal bowl, breakfast size should be the easiest to use
  • Optional glass jar to store your kefir in after you’ve made it


Assuming you have a jar of kefir already with the mushrooms/grains in their fermented milk. However, if they’re just mushrooms in a bag, go ahead and pop them into your Kilner jar. Fill it with some milk, and close it, as they’re probably hungry!

If you don’t have a Kilner jar, check some other option so that gas escape during the process. This prevents the pressure potentially bursting your jar.

  • Using a ceramic or glass bowl (I simply use a breakfast bowl), place your sieve inside it.  Take your ready Kilner jar of kefir, give it a gentle swirl to mix it up, let it settle, and then slowly pour the contents into your sieve.  Use your wooden spoon to take it out any bits stuck at the bottom, this is the good stuff!
  • Gentle shake and tap the sieve to strain the kefir out and leave the mushrooms in the sieve.  You may need to dunk it in the liquid in the bowl and gently stir to help mix up the liquids if it’s started to separate.
  • Take a moment to wash out your Kilner jar with hot water (I use a little detergent to help get it clean). This isn’t essential, but if not then the jar gets scummy and the kefir will make REALLY quickly ).
  • Once you’ve sufficiently strained the grains, pour your chosen milk into the clean and dry jar. Then carefully add your grains and close the jar!  How much milk you put in, and how many mushrooms you have will denote how quickly it will ferment. Another factor is the temperature of the room, warmer temperature will wake the mushrooms/grains up. Meaning it will ferment more quickly.

After each batch you’ll notice that you have more grains, you can let them grow so you can make more kefir in less time. It is nice to share some with friends so they can make milk kefir too! You can also eat them for a super probiotic hit!  If you let the grains accumulate, they will process your milk quickly!  I quite like it when the milk turns sour and ferments a lot, you may not.  How long you ferment for depends on all your variables. The easiest way to get it right for you is to experiment. Enjoy the process of making milk kefir at home.

If going away for more than a couple of days, put plenty of fresh milk with your grains, and leave them in the fridge. This should be ok for a couple of weeks but as soon as you can take them out and change the milk.

Why I love it:

1) It’s easily digested.  Kefir also generally contains more than 50 beneficial strains of bacteria*.

2) I get to use organic cows milk!  I always loved dairy growing up but later developed lactose intolerance. However, in this form, I can again enjoy dairy again. This is because making milk Kefir at home, the grains use the milk sugar (Lactose) as their food substrate. Hence, it is broken down before you consume it.

3) It’s a cost-effective health product.  Even using organic milk, £1.00 – £1.40 for 2 pints is enough to last me 1 week.

4) You can use it to make some great sweet and sour recipes, including lactose-free cheese!

I’m interested to hear how you get on with making your own!


Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus,Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis, Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens subsp. kefiranofaciens, Lactobacillus kefiri, Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus sake, Lactococcus lactis subsp. , cremoris, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lactococcus lactis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris, Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. dextranicum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides, Pseudomonas, Pseudomonas fluorescent, Pseudomonas putida, Streptococcus thermophilus 


Candida humilis, Kazachstania unispora, Kazachstania exigua, Kazachstania exigua, Kluyveromyces siamensis, Kluyveromyces lactis, Kluyveromyces marxianus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces martiniae, Saccharomyces unisporus

*please note, this is not a complete list of bacteria and yeasts, they will vary from brew to brew. I have not personally measured them. If you’re homing in on specific bacteria, it’s probably better to contact specific manufacturers.


Cool-Headed amidst CoronaVirus

Dear dears,
during these uncertain times (a common phrase right now, I’m sure!), I would like to be barer of pragmatism in the hope to help those in my community to be able to stay in one’s centre and personal power. 

To not succumb to fear and its effects on our health; mentally, physically, socially and economically.  By writing this I’m not meaning to ignore advice about not spreading this further, or to undermine the awful wave of deaths across the globe but, to remind us all, that worrying literally does nothing.


Despite statistics and educated opinions, we actually cannot predict the future. We have an idea. There are many speculations on why this is happening, and where it is going, but this is based on the fact of the known, but the unknowns are plentiful and we will never actually uncover all of them.

All we can do is to stay present and aware so that we may be able to respond as best we can, not from a place of fear and over-thinking, but from a place of being rational and cool-headed amidst coronavirus unnerving times; responding as and how changes occur. Without our presence, we can jump to panic and often very much disempower ourselves and those others trying to help (see nurses reaction to empty shelves with all this panic buying). In scary times, we can often want someone to take the reigns and tell us it’ll be OK, to look for advice in the opinion of another (simply as I state here, just my opinion but I hope it to empower individuals, not to take away). but really, who knows for sure?

What can we do to quell the nagging anxieties telling us we might be housebound for 6 months? Or that everything may go to rubbish?!

What can we actually find safety or confidence in? The only sure ground anyone has is one’s sense of centre. As we practice in Pilates, meditation or yoga (and beyond, this is simply my remit), to find balance, to find that strong, easy place, to be where we can continue to breathe normally, despite the external factors and pressures. THIS is the only secure place for us, even the strongest house will crumble in time.

I wish to offer my services and experience as a means to help keep those around me empowered and centred so that as a whole community, we may each make the best decisions regarding ourselves and others, as opposed to reacting on fear of the unknown and massive speculations. 

Thus, I’ll be offering zoom or Skype sessions, open Pilates/meditation/yoga depending on what I feel like and what’s requested/I hear around me. Also, I’ll be continuing to offer private sessions via this medium. All sessions will be based on donation, as in, if you’re still receiving payment from your employment, or not, anticipating your fairness for us both (my work is usually all face to face and 99% of my employers ceased my employment as soon as they’ve closed their doors). Please do get in touch via my contact form if you wish to know more.

Let’s all stay in our personal power of clear minds, decisiveness and health in physical, emotional and psychological regards. 

With love, Christine

Fighting with Myself

fighting with myself

I am another you
You are another me

When I fight with you, I’m really just fighting with myself.
I said that this week and I truly meant it.
There was a time that I’d hear such words and wonder about on what drugs someone had to be on to say something so bizarre.

Yesterday, I was on my way home from my 6th and so far, most intense BMC (Body Mind Centering) course and was met with the most surreal realisations. Typing this up the morning after, I’m still with the lingering sense that something big has shifted open..

Seeing in all the people around me, parts of myself..
Those traits and attributes I see in others which can make me feel warm and fluffy, and like want to hug them. Or those traits which make me feel beautiful, as in when I watch someone truly in their body and their experience and move so gracefully and with such mastery and I want to identify with these movers.
However, then there’s witnessing someone being overly expressive or sensitive, which hits my nerves and maybe I become annoyed or frustrated to be close to this. Someone with greasy hair and smelling unwashed (much like me after some 9 days of rolling around in the floor, getting up early and late to bed), and how when I see these traits I try to disown this person from being anywhere near me, so abstract to how I’d like to identify.

Yet still, in a place with an open mind, I realise; they all are me, or is it that I am all of them..

Observing myself on the bus this Monday morning past, petty words exchanged with someone tutting their annoyance of me moving into their space, (as I tried to make more space for others getting on the bus into the then discovered unwidened space I supposed of those who alighted) which I challenged. In reflection, If in that moment, I hadn’t felt petty or feisty in my early morning rattled mind, then I wouldn’t have cared. This man was reflecting back to me that petty argumentative side of myself and if I would have retorted beyond the few words I’d have said, to justify my actions, I’d be calling him the names that I could be called too.

With all those things in people I see which I love, and I loathe, I see those parts in me, and recognise how much and how deeply I can move between loving and loathing myself. After so much ‘work’ and attention been and being paid to be as authentic with myself as possible, it still strikes me when one of these shadows or unseen edges flare-up.

It’s so easy to blame the other, as in, I can’t keep away from them, I love them too much, or I couldn’t help trying to destroy them as I loathe them, (they’re so wrong or different to how I see me – extreme scenarios one can see in more worldly situations too). Hence, I’m so grateful for the opportunity to be working and studying with such a community as I am: Katy, who is the BMC course director in the UK deserves a medal of honour to hold a space so much that shame, pride, ego and fear doesn’t get in the way of truly seeing not just a deeper part of one’s self on the physical (ie the skeletal system) but in all the parts of Mind and experience which we touch in these studies and discoveries.

I’ve heard before, biased against going into yourself, but I don’t mean narcissism, but to unearth the tough shadow parts whilst celebrating our more beautiful points. As it is my opinion that until we SEE and ACCEPT our whole selves, we can’t authentically do that with anyone else either (thinking healthy relationships). I’m surely still travelling a long road but if my physical and emotional health is anything to go by, this is certainly a path worth to travel

Thanks to all my teachers. From the humans to the trees, those little pesky flies that constantly compel me to swat them, and of course, to all those interested to share this journey.

Spring equinox

Spring equinox

Equal time split between the night and the day, and being that it’s spring here in the NH, it’s also owing to the lessening of the cold and dark to make way for the sun’s growing journey which started back on December 21st with the solstice.
It ought be warmer and lighter than then, but not always do things flow as expected.

I feel that mother earth has been throwing a few curve balls our way in a bid to bring more light to the situations caused by a lack of education and balance within the world. Even for myself, I wish to know more about how to make the best of this planet..

As you’re reading this, even as I’m writing it, ones head is in the screen, as consciously as one can connect with something so artificial still begets the need for connecting with something more real… The trees as they are starting to bud and blossom, the ground as it slowly warms, the whole of nature as it stretches out of its deep, cool slumber..

It’s still my reckoning that we are like other mammals and ought to be able to take time to restore and recharge over winter, sleep more and take stock of the year, making preparations for the next year. As we don’t currently operate in this way, to honour ourselves as living beings, rather than like the robots we create, the next best thing might be to work with the arts and sciences which support our parasympathetic nervous system (ie the one which is our natural state to being but generally becomes unreachable as we forget to slow down, even in children).

If one’s feeling frazzled, or even simply in homage to the Earth, practice yoga, Pilates, take a sound bath, nap, meditate, tai chi, chi gong, a slow walk and take in the park or forest. This will help one to align more with ones natural state (and if you fall asleep, it means you’re in need of it!)

The Fact Is


The Fact Is

That we are fine, that I am fine, although sometimes it doesn’t feel as though I am

That this too shall pass; the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the happy and the sad

It’s the waiting on reassurance from without which takes away one’s power of self and brings in doubt

I want the blanket of comfy, safe connection, but this is all an illusion

For we, each and every one of us creates our own experience of the universe

So if I’m waiting on you to tell me it’s OK or waiting on something I’ll hope you’ll do, then really truly, I give all my power over to you

To be self-empowered means no one can take the peace which resides inside our beings

Which is why I never want you to depend on me too

To be self-soothing, nourishing and empowering and able to meet another without conditioning or manipulating

To some, this may seem like I’m weak but let me assure you, from this place one never sees defeat

For we are the champions, my friend

Coming together in power, to want rather than to depend


Friday 13th, Unlucky for Some


Friday 13th, Freaky Friday.  I have never really understood why.

Some people are superstitious of numbers, some of black cats, some of walking over a certain number of drains; and others even more crazy things.

This Friday 13th marks a D day for me, D as in Divorce.  The BIG D, especially at age 33, I never expected this to be happening for me.

However, I don’t see this as a freaky day, or a bad day.  I see this as the end of an era to be celebrated.  I couldn’t have married a better person, it’s just a shame that we live in very different worlds which were only able to align (or collide as one may see it) for a short time.

I’ve had the opportunity to be with my ex’s name for over 5 years now.  Not sure of what name I’ll be wearing next year.  But. on my way to finalise paperwork, on today, Friday the 13th, I grasp how lucky I’ve been.

Uncivil divorces and breakups being rife, and a standard set about decent people and not accepting less.  I have accepted less, and more in some ways, in the past 2 years since we separated.  But, it’s great to reflect and accept some of my own flaws as well as basic standards which need to be met when it comes to letting someone intimately into one’s life.  Those amazing ex’s, they are the ones which make me feel lucky that I know what I’m worth, the others I can chalk up to experience.

Sri Lanka Suprise!

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Sunrise at Sri Padaya!  Beautiful!

At first, I didn’t think I’d write about this. I mean, I couldn’t see where I’d done wrong, but I still had a sense of shame.

It’s only after talking about it, a lot, that I realise I’ve done nothing wrong.  I’d never wore shorts or swimwear off the beach, I dressed as I’d consider for modest, for being in a hot country.

Despite previous travels ‘solo’ to India, Cambodia, Peru, Thailand and such, I’ve never experienced such disrespect and what felt like danger. Well, except in Egypt, for which I wasn’t surprised.. I doubt this will be the most harrowing thing you’ll read about but, it surprises me how many other women I’ve spoken to were naive to this too. I’m a strong and able woman, have lived in big bad London for 8 years, I can handle travelling alone..?

I’ve been lucky, share the word so more women don’t need luck!

I didn’t realise before, how in India, my friend Yogesh had saved my innocence by insisting I use his high quality apartment and driver. It was this connection, which kept me safe.

For the most part in Sri Lanka, I was with my best friend, she has the type of eyes which say, ‘don’t fuck with me’; we had each other’s back.  We were approached a fair amount, and other than this first situation, no one touched me.

We were at our hotel in Maskeliya, preparing to climb Adam’s peak the next day.  We were washing our clothes in the garden when I’d realised there was an obviously more simple minded young man (maybe 26 years old) around us, he appeared to be helping with the building works.

We sit down in the empty dining room for dinner. The boy enters the room too and stands no more than 3 meters from us, staring intently, right at me. We decide to try and ignore him, 10 minutes later, maybe less, I’m bothered.  It’s too much, too intense to eat alongside, thus I point this out to the hotelier’s wife. She takes him out, he moves and continues to stare at us from the kitchen.

After dinner my friend goes to smoke at our balcony and I stay to use the WiFi, thinking the boy has gone. After a few minutes he comes towards me as asks for a cigarette, I firmly say no, I don’t smoke.  He continues to comes towards me hand reaching out for what I presume to be my waist. I angrily usher him away from me as my back is already in a corner. He laughs and continues to stare menacingly at me, from beneath his brow. He doesn’t back away and tries again to come towards me. I push past him and call for the hotelier to tell him what just happened. The hotelier responded by considering what would happen had his 20 something year old daughter been in my situation; or someone with an overprotective travelling companion.  The boy was removed from the hotel.  

At first this saddened me to hinder his work opportunity but, it’s only been after talking to other women about this that I realise no matter his problem, it doesn’t excuse him to touch me. Why did it take so long for me to put myself first in this realisation?..

The second incidence, also happened in a hotel. I was travelling with a European man, he had a girlfriend at home but we were keeping each other company for the trip.  We stopped at a hotel in Sigiriya for 2 nights whilst we explored the surrounds.  The father of the hotel owner, who was catering for us, got wind of my male companion not actually being my partner (I tried to warn him to stay close but clearly neither of us knew the implication of not), I’m not sure for how it is that he then perceived me, but it wasn’t with respect.  After breakfast on the second/last morning, my companion left the place we were dining in the owner’s main house, for the bathroom. The hotel man said I had red skin from the sun, and said he’d put some aloe on it. Before this he’d made us special food and drinks as I’d told him that I can’t eat certain foods. I thought I could trust him, like a medicine man.  My naivety as to why he might want to touch me, and the fact that I was travelling with a man, put my guard down.

So, he’s putting this fresh aloe on my arms, his hands stinking of onion, yuk! And then his hand went down my dress!  I’ll never forget his response when I said “No! I’m not burnt there!” He looked me in the eyes and told me to trust him, told me about how he massages people’s wives naked on his bed, that he’s a medicine man. Man, I’m fucking angry. I didn’t know to stop it, I felt so belittled, confused, and my companion still not back.. The same thing played again but by this time my friend was just arriving back outside the room, I bolted for the door.

This hotel guy then offered to wash our car, had my friend happy and distracted.  Suck up, fucking dirty creep!  Once we were ready to leave and our large bags loaded into the boot, I was doing a last sweep of the room. The hotel guy came into the room, I felt his intentions were again to see what he could get from me. I shouted to my friend that I was coming and quickly ran to the car.  I was still processing what had just happened and knew I was angry but couldn’t quite work out if I had the right to be.  Had I had told my friend about this before we left, what would he have done? The sinking feeling I get is that nothing of justice would happen, it seems most men are only protective of their women, not just any woman..? But the thing is, by not having another man challenge him, he’s going to think it’s OK to do this to another hapless Western woman. I’m mainly angry I didn’t realise sooner and punch him in the face!

The third incident, I’m in Negombo, on my own as my travelling partner had left for home.  I stayed about 30 minutes drive from the beach and so, get a tuk tuk there from my hotel.  I wanted to explore for some nice food and perhaps a massage for my last 2 days. The first restaurant I chose was connected to a big hotel, I had the presumption I could be ‘safe’ in such an establishment. I order a chicken salad and a king coconut (of course!) and am a bit perturbed as I have a crowd of male waiting staff around my table watching me. I ask if they want something, glance my sternest stare and am kind of left alone.

I make for the beach, contemplating if I can play in the sand and make use of the sun rays to nourish my skin. Within minutes again, I’m approached by boys wanting a selfie with me. It is like they’d never seen a blonde woman before..

Following some investigations about my occupation and dinner, I walk to a nearby supermarket to get some supplies. On my way back, 60 meters from the restaurant, I felt a firm hand quickly and strongly grab my ass! The douchebag who did it, was with his friend on a motorbike and nearly crashed into the curb just in front of me. I burst into tears. This was enough!

I had no idea Sri Lanka would be like this. I had no idea I wouldn’t be safe to travel alone. Of course, it doesn’t happen to every solo woman traveller but, it happened, in this fortunately light form, to me.

Men, if you hear or see and do nothing, it makes you as bad as the guys doing something; I can’t begin to explain how I felt when communicating to supportive and unsupportive guys.  Ladies, keep safe, open your eyes and your ears; even though it gets easier to travel to ‘exotic’ places, remember there, you are exotic and the media portrays us Western Women appallinglyThe picture of Western women put on television in the West let alone what’s aired in the East, makes us seem like easy targets, so don’t reinforce this.  It’s going to take generations for culture, and dare I say sexist [racism] to change throughout the world, there’s a lot to be done. We need to be savvy, we need to know our boundaries and we need to, unfortunately still, keep safe and take precautions.

Positive note, I did meet a few younger Sri Lankan guys, one being, Asanka, whose presence helped me a lot!  My uncle is from there, I met lots of lovely men and women, everyone told me about the lovely ones.  I just wish I was aware to be more careful of the less lovely ones!  What I write here is just a snippet of some of the troubles I had, and I feel I was lucky!

Hip, Knee, Ankle Pain? Check your feet!


If you’re sitting or laying down, your knees (and ankles to some degree) aren’t weight baring; generally it won’t be noticeable if there is an imbalance or some damage in the muscles that produce the movement around these joints.  It’s when we translate weight through the legs during standing, walking, that the problems may present.

When you walk, are you aware how you walk?  Do you notice which parts of your feet hit the ground?

Does your shoe always wear out evenly?  As opposed to more on one edge more than another.

Are you pain free from ankle, knee or hip pain when walking/running/exercising?

If answering no to any of the above questions my curiosity as a movement professional would have me watching your feet in static but more particularly in dynamic standing.  It can be a question of the chicken or the egg?  Which came first, the joint pain or having an irregular gait (i.e. the way you walk)?  I watch thousands of pairs of feet, regularly (either in my clients or just people who walk the streets of London in front of me in my day.  For me clients, by also hearing or seeing what issues are present for the body, it no longer surprises me to hear what pains a person has after seeing them move on their feet.  The more I watch, the more I remember how many problems I had before educating myself about the biomechanics of walking.

So, if you have unexplained pain in your hip, knee or ankle (or even in your shoulders and back but that’s too complicated for this simple blog post), try paying a bit more attention to your feet..