Spring Awakening

spring awaken

Finally March is nearly here!  We’ve made it through the coldest times!! Now to ditch the excess eating and hibernation habits.

The time is here to reawaken the spring in your step and put your best intentions forwards and into action.

What are you hoping to achieve this year?

Unless you’ve been in a cave you’re probably aware that we’re all undergoing a massive shift right now; from living in the head into the heart, the left side of the brain easing up to the right.  Many people and places are having great shake ups to help dispel the pain and oppression we’re coming out through now.  From Fukushima to Kiev, Venezuela to Iraq; Indonesia to Syria, Snowden to Assange; London to Berlin; the dolphins, the rain forests and needless frackin’..

Now is the time we need to consult with our real selves, our nature deep down, so we can be aware of the truth of our business and can get on with doing the things which truly matter to us..

The best and only place we can start is with ourselves – Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation (however you like to find your head space)  all help to tune into our truths; which can then take us closer to our real futures and each other.  Feel the Love in Life.


Namaste, have a sparkly day 🙂


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