Love me or hate me, why do I feel so strongly about those people who slate me?
“She’s so slim, strong, young, smart, blonde, and not so much fun..
“A mess, a tyrant, uncoordinated, inarticulate and generally obtuse or too acute.”
O wow what a state I was in, hating the fact that I’m no longer so thin.
The fact I was born into this skin with little need or want to lie,
Not comprehending it when I call out the hidden in others, but then, I’d end up the one wanting to cry..?
I didn’t realise the ability we all possess to lie inside,
I thought everyone wanted to out that lie, to help find a truer peace with which the soul can abide?
But I guess I was wrong, I hold my hands up every time it’s realised and admit this humanness gets the better of me.
All that matters now for me, is that I’m honest with myself and express with authenticity,
The only person I need to impress in this life is this one on the higher inside.
Love me, hate me, it’s none of my business in reality…