We all need a little extra care sometimes..


How are you?  Really, not how are your problems but how are you feeling?  Consider this a rhetorical question; as the only person who can give us what we need is our self.  However, sometimes, when everything feels a bit overwhelming, it can help to have the objective input from another..

Sometimes even those who provide support (which is a lot of us!) need someone to share a bit of energy and love back their way. It may not be how we expect, but energy is energy – a hug, a smile, a conversation or in silence, a shoulder or even an amazing reflexology/Reiki, yoga or meditation session – every moment and intention helps..

Many thanks to the “The Hackney Healer“, Karen Ryx, today – another wonderful facial reflexology session; from fighting with tears to a true smile in my world.  Now to continue my own internal work, but having that short time ‘holiday’ from the chaos which can stir up inside, helps me to see again my own path and strength.