New Moon Tomorrow Morning, 8.00am in the UK to be precise 😉
This new moon is in the constellation of Pisces. This means it’s a good opportunity to set intentions for our personal growth and to make important life changes. This could be things such as:
- Accepting ourselves as we are (loving our imperfections)
- Gathering the strength to change what we feel isn’t serving us
- Start a project which gets our creative juices going
- To give ourselves enough space and time to find some inner peace
- Sharing our dreams and collude with another
For me, this month I intend to:
- Gain greater clarity in my decisions by listening to myself more
- To focus my energy more when I need to and thus maximise all of productive, fun, and relaxing times
- Being softer with myself (and thus also with others)
- Do more of what I love to earn my living, dropping that which I no longer need and which I feel is holding me back (eeek scary one!)
What’s your intention?
Have a fantastic weekend xxx