Ajna Chakra


Moving our way up from Vishudda Chakra..

Ajna, meaning to perceive and command.  Located between the eyebrows and is associated to the pineal and pituitary glands.  It is represented as a 2 petaled lotus, each petal of which can be use to signify the unity of dualities, namely, sun and moon, feminine and masculine, yin and yang..  The colour most associated with this chakra are indigo and purple.

Now we’ve moved on beyond the more tangible elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether as we’ve moved up the chakras, Ajna contains all of those but thus it’s gross element is light.  The purpose for working through this chakra is to help break through illusions and recognise patterning which may be present within us so we can see more clearly; enabling greater intuition and self-reflection.

A person who is balanced in this chakra exhibits characteristics such as:

  • Astutely intuitive
  • Good memory as well as dream recalling
  • Perceptive
  • Good imagination and is able to visualise

A person who may be deficient in this chakra may be:

  • Have poor memory or dream recalling
  • Insensitive or in denial
  • Lacking in imagination and ability to see the future
  • Problems when visualising, physically poor eye sight and/or poor projection

Remembering, life isn’t straight forwards and thus one can be deficient or excessive in any or all chakras (and thus helping us to highlight where our path is for this particular embodiment); so someone who may be excessive in this chakra may have:

  • Delusions
  • Obsessions
  • Hallucinations or nightmares
  • Difficulty concentrating

Good practices for balancing Ajna are to explore visual arts (by creating or observing however feels best), meditation, dream work, visualisations and working with memory.

 ..And next we’re going to infinity and beyond with, Sahasrara Chakra..

Namaste x



(1) Eastern Body Western Mind, Anodea Judith (Available at the Book Depository!)

(2) The Subtle Body: An encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy, Cyndi Dale (Available at the Book Depository!)