Reiki, energy medicine


Photo Credit Miguel Echiveria

The word ‘Reiki’ is more common place than “Reiki & Seichem”.  This is because Reiki, on it’s own has been in the West a lot longer than being offered in combination with it’s sibling energy, Seichem, read below for a break down on these.

I hear some skepticism around Reiki & Seichem, and I can’t blame people.  It took a long while for me to really trust in what I was feeling, and to appreciate what I’m working with.  My journey working with other kinds of medicines and healing techniques just keeps bringing me back to the energy, i.e. Reiki & Seichem; and the more I work with it, the more strongly I, and my clients can feel its charge.

If you’ve any science or physics to your back ground (I have quite a bit of science, in the form of a bioinformatics degree; but physics only to A-Level, hence taking my time to fully appreciate this), you’ll know about energy, atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons, and perhaps quarks, neutrinos, taos, anti-matter etc etc..  Trying to keep things on a level here, not too technical I mean (apologies if it does get a bit geeky); everything, even air, is made up of atoms and atoms combine to make molecules (O2 being the chemical formula for oxygen); therefore everything has a charge, or a current to it; as everything is made of atom (and all atoms have electrons, protons and neutrons).

Within molecules, inter-atomic forces are at play, and can attribute to the atoms vibrating to and from their equilibrium points, this movement plus rotations of the negatively charged electrons, help to play a part in the vibration of particular atoms or molecules.  Thus, the atoms (particles) move in a wave-like pattern (look up wave-particle duality theory for more information).  The electromagnetic spectrum is also another great way science can help illustrate where this wave oscillation and vibration works within our world.

 The electrical current which flows through different materials has different levels of conduction (i.e. how easy it is for electricity, or let’s say energy, more broadly speaking; to flow through it).  Energy moves therefore, at different frequencies and at different wave lengths depending on its charge and conduction through different atoms and molecules (i.e. air, matter such as your computer, your brain and body..).  Energy is never created or destroyed but, somehow it manages to change state, a lot, depending on where it came from last and what it’s passing through, and a whole host of other variables.  I consider Reiki & Seichem to be super conductive energies with a healing intention, coming from an unlimited source; you hear about people wanting to re-connect with source; the Reiki & Seichem currents are uninterrupted and pure channels from this source; the place where we are all, as one.

I wanted to get into a little bit of physics to open (or re-open for some) the conversation that, everything isn’t only what we can see with our fantastic, yet finite left and right eyes.  We can’t see air yet there is a lot going on there.  We can’t see through ‘solid wood’ yet the wood is never any more solid than the air, or ether, around us.  To expand our horizons and push the boundaries of what we ‘know’, is where we can continue/start to grow..

Reiki & Seichem are channeled through a person who has been opened/attuned to these particular energy channels.  This energy channelling is then done within a session, or treatment, which can last anywhere between 10 and 60 minutes (you can probably get longer sessions but I personally find this is the most I feel ok to work per session).  It is said to be a ‘hands on’ method but this doesn’t mean you’ll have hands on your physical body, generally the work is done in your energetic body, or aura, which means no touching necessary; but working a couple of inches above your physical body.   Everyone works differently, some people will go to chakras or points of trouble for the patient, where as I like to let me hands guide me, intuitively; it doesn’t matter so much where the therapist is positioned as the energy has an intelligence of its own, it knows where to go, and seeks to heal and balance where ever it is needed.

In order to practice Reiki & Seichem you need to be attuned to these specific frequencies.  Of course, anyone can channel their own energy or any other source they can tap into but, just be mindful, a) not to deplete yourself if it’s your energy you’re channeling, b) about what energy it is you are sharing, as everything has different properties, it’s important to be aware with what it is you’re playing with.  If you think of the string theory, and then have Reiki & Seichem as one of those strings, consider all the other potentials too – with all their other properties, a potential mine field, but also very interesting.

Reiki [ “Ray-Kee” ] and Seichem [ “Say-Keem” ] are the names given a set of 4 elemental, universal energies which work in harmony with each other.  The energies are:

Reiki – Life force energy which is connected to the earth element but is NOT energy from the Earth (i.e. not from our 3D planet Earth manifestation), it pervades the entire universe through all dimensions.  Reiki energy can be beneficial for physical, mental and emotional health and sets the groundwork through which the other energies can work.  It can be experienced as hot or cool energy.

Sakara – Elemental fire energy works effectively in the body’s electro-magnetic aura.  Sakara cleanses the chakras and burns out the things which no longer serve you, burning through blockages and thus can be experienced as a hot or tingling energy.

Sophi-el – Elemental water energy which works deep within the emotional body, it helps to find the core cause and effect of issues.  Sophi-el therefore also supports emotional and sexual healing and opens the heart to receive love and feel compassion; it is known to assist in increasing the healer’s psychic awareness.  It can be experienced as gentle and cool or even ice cold!

Angelic Light – Elemental air energy which can enhance the healer’s 3rd eye perceptions and forms a link with the angelic realm.  When people receive this energy it is generally experienced as a cool and gentle breeze, and can sometimes feel like the healing work is being carried out nowhere near where the healer’s hands are.

The above 4 energies all work together, in harmony to bring about the potential for profound healing to the receiver.

If you’re interested in getting a treatment it’s always a good idea to check out your choice of therapist, or even to find one through the RASA (Reiki & Seichem Association) website, as here all the people listed have had their lineages checked and you’ll know you are working with someone legitimate.  Equally, if you’re local to London, drop me a line.

Warm regards and with SO much Love x

Best. Deo. Ever.


I used to rely on aerosol deos, I thought it was unnatural how much I sweat..  Over recent years or so there has been publicity about the connection between breast cancer and the lymph nodes (detoxing glands) are under your arm pits; it therefore seems counter intuitive to put something on to such a sensitive place which contains hazardous chemicals (i.e. many mainstream deos).  I tried crystal deos, natural roll ons, making my own, you name it I tried it, but I still had to wash 3-4 times a day to stop smelling like the pits!..  Then, a good friend had visited Lush before a dance party, she gave me one of the new samples she had..

Aromaco, by Lush.  Every time I wear this with no perfume, I get compliments on smelling nice!  Patchouli soft fragrance, easy on the skin but works all day against smell.  I have a very active life, this deo has been spot on even since I first tried it.

A Lot easier on the skin than a previous home made version (bicarb of soda wasn’t the best for my sensitive skin ‘sigh’).  I’ve been using aromaco for over a year and it’s great!  Lush Aromaco



A bit more below about sweating, and why this deo works for me, without feeling compelled to block up my underarm pours with antiperspirants anymore..

How much you sweat depends on a couple of different factors, sweat, or perspiration (as some would rather call it), is the bodies natural way of cooling when one gets hot, heat from exercise, hormone fluctuations (as happens to most women each month), and stress or anxiety levels and the body being in fight or flight mode (sometimes can be a long term issue). I used to sweat a lot; fortunately these days it has dramatically reduced; I put this down to mediation practices intertwined with yoga, which have helped to lower my stress and anxiety levels dramatically.  I would be sweating profusely, literally sweat dripping from under my arms (especially if in contact with certain people, even just eye contact) and yet my arms would be ice cold!  These days, I can actually wear tops with sleeves and not worry about staining the under arms within 2 minutes!

If your body is hot, i.e. if it’s going through a lot of energy and you’re doing some physical exercise (i.e. running), or fighting off some disease or bacteria, or, if you feel very anxious (then your body is constantly making lots of energy readily available to be able to flight or fight as a response to stresses being felt; imagined stresses through worry, mental stresses trying to meet deadlines or immediate physical threats).  Your body is working harder to pump sweat out so that it can cool down as the sweat evaporates from your skin and take some of your excess heat with it.  This is one branch of homeostasis, and is regulated by the hypothalamus in your brain.

Your body needs to be able to keep it’s baseline temperature, despite all this energy and heat (usually produced as a byproduct); so that it can continue to work optimally.  Enzymes which catalyse reactions in our cells all function at preferred temperatures, if this temperature is too high, it can not only inhibit functioning of certain enzymes and reactions but it can destroy (denature) them too.  You see, anyone with a high enough temperature get’s pretty quick medical assistance, your body has to work even harder to keep doing it’s job in extreme conditions (hot or cold) – hence why we sweat when hot and shiver when cold (among many other homeostatic processes)..

On to smell..  How your sweat smells also has different potential causes, of course, the most common reason is due to natural bacteria under your arms, feeding on the sweat and giving off odor as their byproduct, thus is the type which is generally avoidable (yay) by washing or using certain products which have an antibacterial effect.  Also, for some of the population it can be affected by what you eat.  I happen to be in the minority of the bodies who metabolise foods in such a way that my sweat can take on smells from foods such as garlic, literally, even straight out of the shower, my armpits will have a certain strong odor!  Fortunately I’m happy to leave garlic out except for special occasions and the Aromaco deo seems to keep the underarm bacteria in check so this issue doesn’t stand for me.  However, one must wash ones pits at least once a day – deo cannot be used to simply mask a smell which is already there.

Thanks and InJoy! 🙂

We all need a little extra care sometimes..


How are you?  Really, not how are your problems but how are you feeling?  Consider this a rhetorical question; as the only person who can give us what we need is our self.  However, sometimes, when everything feels a bit overwhelming, it can help to have the objective input from another..

Sometimes even those who provide support (which is a lot of us!) need someone to share a bit of energy and love back their way. It may not be how we expect, but energy is energy – a hug, a smile, a conversation or in silence, a shoulder or even an amazing reflexology/Reiki, yoga or meditation session – every moment and intention helps..

Many thanks to the “The Hackney Healer“, Karen Ryx, today – another wonderful facial reflexology session; from fighting with tears to a true smile in my world.  Now to continue my own internal work, but having that short time ‘holiday’ from the chaos which can stir up inside, helps me to see again my own path and strength.

Homemade natural deodorant

cocoloco pits

Coconut Oil + Bicarbonate of Soda.  Done.

Coconut Oil:

  • Moisturising and antibacterial (it’s excessive bacteria having a pit party which is usually the cause for stinky pits),

Bicarbonate of Soda/Baking Soda*:

  • Helps to neutralise odor and absorb excessive sweat
  • Balances pH
  • Prevents dramatic staining of clothing, unlike conventional products

This recipe has changed my life.  Not wanting to use chemicals anymore; I had tried a lot of natural brands and usually feeling smelly, sticky and yucky by 10am, thanks to Lily for the tip.

Here’s the how:

  • To FRESH, Clean pits, apply a generous but not excessive amount of coconut oil (whole pit coverage advised).
  • Place some baking soda in the lid of the container or on a small dish, see to it it’s not clumpy.
  • Use your fingers to dab on to your pits (it may take a couple of days to get the hang of amounts right for you but main advice here is less is more, start small and build up a bit if you feel you need it)*.


Why I choose the natural path:

Basically, in my opinion, chemicals are unnecessary and in many cases not sufficiently tested for their long term effects on humans or the surrounding environments.  Also clogging up your pores with so many chemicals, especially with the prevalence of things such as breast and lymph node cancer, seems unwise if you don’t have to.  Your armpits are a gland-fest and especially if shaved or waxed and thus over-exposed, need to be treated with care.

The FDA of the USA would disagree with me but if you have watched or read ‘The world according to Monsanto‘ and taken in some of the factual evidence it’s found in relation to the corruption of such Government regulated authorities, then you too would question the word of the general governance of the consumer industry..  Through personal home experimentation and reading about other’s experiences I’ve concluded that natural ingredients harmonise with my body off less; and thus this is the direction feel I can trust the most.

Finally, I was fed up with throwing away decent tops due to the yellow hardening under the arms looking unsightly -this is a wardrobe saver too!

Thanks and happy sweating. x

*Note, if skin is irritated before hand the bicarb may exacerbate symptoms, may also help in this case to wash briefly each night and reapply straight coconut oil to nourish your skin 😉  Stop using if it dries out your skin too much!