
I may not have perfect teeth but I still have a fantastic smile 😀

I may not have perfect skin, but all my inners all stay in 😉

I may have frizzy hair, but not paying attention to how I should look, I just. Don’t care. 

With so much stigma on how people look, on having the perfect hair, skin, face, clothes. I feel refreshed to share how I’m breaking free from media (commercial and social) influence. Follow me @christine_suzuki_core_focus for more ideas on how to reclaim YOU.

photo credit @cosmic_agent Miguel Echeverria

The Fact Is


The Fact Is

That we are fine, that I am fine, although sometimes it doesn’t feel as though I am

That this too shall pass; the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the happy and the sad

It’s the waiting on reassurance from without which takes away one’s power of self and brings in doubt

I want the blanket of comfy, safe connection, but this is all an illusion

For we, each and every one of us creates our own experience of the universe

So if I’m waiting on you to tell me it’s OK or waiting on something I’ll hope you’ll do, then really truly, I give all my power over to you

To be self-empowered means no one can take the peace which resides inside our beings

Which is why I never want you to depend on me too

To be self-soothing, nourishing and empowering and able to meet another without conditioning or manipulating

To some, this may seem like I’m weak but let me assure you, from this place one never sees defeat

For we are the champions, my friend

Coming together in power, to want rather than to depend


Somatic Unwinding

So far, the experience has been profound.  I’m feeling a need on some level to do some crazy exercise to shake it all up and get back into my past default in questing for muscular strength.  However, having just received a second 1:1 hands on session of Body Mind Centering, from the lead trainer Katy Dymoke, I’m just going to continue to lay on the floor and be with the tangled mess which is my inner body..  This beautifully sweet training, and supporting body work is helping me to unwind the world of pain felt in my body which; I had surrendered to needing to endure forever, now I’m not so sure.


It’s a crying shame that despite the amount of yoga and Pilates sessions I’ve received that there isn’t more of this information present.  I have just 2 teachers in each discipline whom teach from this perspective.  THIS is what it’s all about, not your abs, your yoga selfies or your legs a kimbo!..  I’m so exhausted, in a good way, hence why this is the only thing I’ve managed to publish through out my so far 2 weeks Somatics training, but more is coming!  Watch this space ..

Day 3 Nervous System, 2nd Session with Katy

Dropping in, listening..

Relearning how to hear.

A deep yearning for these pathways to clear!

To sense in(my)sides,

Of course before sensing the other may fully arise..

Organ support, how to purport?

After a life time of neglect,

6 short years means I’m not quite there yet..

So many feelings, mainly in my gut and head,

To hear, implicitly, impartially,

My body craving this in its totality.

I’m sorry, I’m here now..

No wonder it all hurts, for so long working as a disjunct and abstract organism..

It’s not just you dear muscles, ligaments and bones whom need to hold up this being.

It’s not just you dear organs, fluids and glands, whom cope with digestion, procreation and feeling..

As, all together, a synergy can persist,

Allowing ease, strength and harmony to exist.

Crossed messages, fibres and pain,

Never again can I move the same..

Want to Secure the Future?


just want to secure the future,

To reassure my steady and continuous flow..

Like it’s something I can and want to control,

The settling “it’ll be OK” type of information my mind craves to know..


Total contradictory,

Unknown trajectory.

Trying to be smart,

Abstract of heart.


Magic occurring where the discomforts arise;

Learning not how to plan and play safe,

But to surf, navigate and appreciate..


All can never be calculable,

Except in the mind of the fool..

So to let go of trying to know,

Letting go into your unique and magical flow..

Nervous Fibres

nervous-fibres1There IS an ease about which this body can move.

A way with no pain, no pushing and yet with full FUNction, form and freedom;

nothing to prove.


Having a substantial range for flexibility and strength suggests, a focal point would help one to manifest..

It’s a challenge to find ones midline when it feels like so much is on a wonk..

Eccentrically flowing through one curve to another,

even the best educated in trigonometry would end up wrong.

The centre line isn’t a matter of mode, median, middle or tangent,

rather a fluctuating sensing space beyond the intelligent.


The meat and bones, they simply grow,

but what is that alchemic energetic place in which they flow?


The subtle, the deep, the connecting place..

That which houses our energy and nerves;

the media through which ones perception translates what the senses observe..

How is it that with this bundle of fibres I can create experience from my dreams?

Yet also, co-create with you unimaginable scenes?


To be tuned in

To feel from  every part of the skin

To witness more than the thoughts

Move into freedom away from limiting self-talk..


It’s from fear we push back and fight,

but by moving through fear it leads into alright..



Is it my condition? Or this world we live in?

Maybe I need to go live in a small village in Africa/India. I saw this video of Gabor Maté had been shared just after I wrote the poem below, trying to muddle through the highs and lows that seem to be concurrent with life.. Wasn’t going to post the poem because I don’t want to be judge or pitied by others (so I put it out to Facebook as a trial run, and got an appreciated response,  and thus wanted to share it here too).  I have a feeling it’s not just me and sometimes by sharing your daemons you can let others know you’re on the continuum together. No one is ‘normal’, it’s just our society likes boxes and unless you fit into a box then life can be pretty insane…


I listen, I read, I write
I process, I allow and yet still I fight..
The words of elders resonate about my being, talking of a lighter path which I think I’m seeing..
Is it this human disposition to continuously forget? Or my reason for being, I did not meet yet?
All these offerings of advice, even when wound up all succinct and concise;
in one moment they liberate my soul, in the next, I’m lost and again feel vexed..
Where do I turn when it feels like all I can do is run?
Run away or run to? I’m not sure but I’m oh so confused.
Yet again, the pearls of wisdom flood in from outside. They break the pain and make the clouds subside..
Until, the next thought comes in and crowds my mind again.
I meditate, I mediate, I relax and try not to try… But then I once again break down and cry.

Is it my condition? Or this world we live in?
To label my disposition; dyslexia, dyspraxia, hormonal or autism?..
But what do these tags really define? Am I so different? Or is it just the time?
I hear the wise words loud and clear. I pray that perhaps some ability to manage myself is near.


Jungle Pains


With the rains, so my frustrations eased.

Without the pain, these messages I may not heed.

With every challenge there is some gold.

Find the truth that before was untold.

Work with your pain

and free your mind.

The body is our greatest tool to the soul.


Bites, nuances, pain and fear,

this is how you know the answers are near..

Clear your mind and clean your soul.

To be at one with all is the goal.


Revel in your anguish as much as you need.

Take the time and forget your speed.

The road is long and the medicine is strong.

Now, my child, your journey has just begun..

I have eyes


I have eyes and I know you can see,

You have eye so why not look at me?

Look into my eyes and maybe you’ll see,

I’m not as bad as your mind has painted me..


I’m not a stranger,

I mean you no danger.

Take a glance in my eyes,

And I, you will recognise.


Look into my eyes and you may see, more than this body, hair and battered dignity..


See into my open eyes,

And you’ll see more than the distractions outside.

Look into my eyes as you barge past me,

Maybe you’ll be kinder next time, recognising our shared humanity..


Why can you not look?  Why do you not see!?


Are you too cool, too trendy or just too busy?..

LOOK at the real person you discard as you disregard and push past me.

Drop the front, the o so serious  act,

Seriousness will kill you quicker, that’s a fact!

Or is it pain, which keeps your gaze far from near?

Avoiding my eyes to hide some embedded fear..


We’re all tired, hungry, fed up, and want to be else where,

But how to not let this hurt rebound on another, acting as if we don’t care?

You care if I barge past you, or accidentally step on your shoe.

I care if you do the same to me too,

Unless; we share that kind glance,

Make recognition of each others existence.


Or, do you misinterpret my intention?  The real reason I look to spark this connection..


To glance into each others eyes,

To let our souls connect without guise,

Showing ones self ones own true reflection,

It’s a different kind of affection..

Think of the power for all to be made,

If when standing next to you, we let the disconnections fade..



When I first moved to London no one believed at first I was English because of my choice to smile and be friendly on the underground.  Over the years I’m finding it hard to keep up.  But, I can’t just let my spirit die with the daily grind, the human spirit is stronger than that!  The Pink Floyd lyrics comes to mind: “Together we Stand, Divided we Fall”

If we can’t come together when standing next to each other on a train or in the street then how?   Smile.  It’s free and it releases endorphins.  🙂



Voice it (expletive content)


I thought I had my voice, for 30 years I was at least sure of that..  However until recently I didn’t quite realise how much I was holding back..

When laughing I remember my full volume coming out, a few loud cackles until I stopped the sound with self doubt..

I guess on the rare occasion my full expression maybe heard, but not during those frequent times when I was too scared to say if I was stressed or disturbed..

Thinking I’m not worthy of voicing my discomfort, thinking I’m just sensitive, and these nuances I should simply put up with..

From the rat race demanding we all go at the same space and pace, to bankers and politicians who make this country a disgrace..

A higher rent, than most can earn; maybe if more of us find our voices, the tables will turn?!

I’m not too sure if this is more of a female thing, worrying about what others will think.. What will they think about my expression so raw??. But I’m in deep need to stop suppressing this roaaarr!

“Better out than in” is what I keep imagining, yet so far from where I had been living..

I’m angry as fuck.  Fuck fuck fuck!  I’m not that human who simply puts up..

The method to release this madness, hmmm where to begin.   Maybe throw caution into the wind..

Still, I don’t know, how to let it go; how to get more in line with MY voice and my flow..  Mindful movement is where I shall start, mindful not to just use the head but also the heart..

From holding back, the lesson I’ve learnt, express how you feel and the less you’ll get burnt!