So much thanks to the people who have given me love and support over the last couple of years and helped me to realise and then continue to achieve my intention of further sharing Love and Happiness with the people I meet. Yes I know – I’m a bit of a tree hugger but hay – we can’t all be tuned into the same frequency but I’m happy with that. Who wants to be the same as everyone else!? That’s why we’re all born different. EXPRESS YOURSELF 😉 Class is a great place to get expressing this through your interpretation of the yoga postures I’ll take you on a journey through during each lesson.
Thanks to Aneesh, Ahmid, Samantha and the wonderful crew at Brilliant Corners!
Now the hard work starts, promoting the classes and seeing who is in the right space and time to learn some tools for delving deeper into themselves and discovering the space where ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE 😉
Also, HUGE thanks also to Mr Kay Suzuki for helping me to make this all possible– producer, dj, promoter, marketing expert, chef, love bringing and entrepreneur. Arigato Kay and big thanks to all reading this x
I’m really digging your approach to yoga and pilates =D
gonna save some coin so your class i may join 😉
Again, a huge thank you for the appreciation. I hope I can help you with yoga sometime soon 🙂
This is both street smart and inegilltent.
Your post captures the issue peyrectlf!