Mirror me : Mirror you

mirror me mirror you

When you look at me what do you see?

Beauty, hostility, or someone verging on tranquility?

Because whatever is in you, is what you see in me.

How much simpler could it be?

We see the world through our own eyes, our perspective.  When I see beauty in you, it’s the beauty in me reflected through the mirror that you are; when I get angry with you, it’s really me who I am mad at.

Everyone of us is beautiful in our own special way, but sometimes our vision narrows and our perspective become unclear; filtering our this beauty, usually due to an unrealised fear.

Try it, when you’re in a good mood and happy with yourself, take a look around you and see how awesome the people in your vicinity are.  Then, when you don’t feel so hot, take another look around; and see if the judgement has crept in, with people seeming less than their average selves.  This methodology for awareness is how I know when I’m out of balance, i.e.  need to eat, rest or do something nice for myself; the world reflecting back to me what an ugly mood I’m in.


Be kind to yourself. xxx

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