“Believe in love’s infinite journey”. This was the inspiration note written with my Yogi tea bag this morning, I felt it profound in many ways so wanted to share it, and to let love’s infinite journey flow even further from me to you also. Pass it on 😉
What does this mean to you? Love’s infinite journey. And why do we need to believe in it?
To me, this means a million and one things:
Love’s infinite journey in that love knows no bounds. It can travel to and through anywhere open to it; if everyone or everything is open, then it will fill up these spaces.
Love’s journey being infinite in that love, can never run out.
Love’s infinite journey in that we, our spirits, the watcher behind our eyes, is infinite. This body may die but this physical manifestation isn’t the be all and end all; so be mindful of trying to hold onto things too tight in this life.
And believing is seeing, to believe in it is to be open to it. Open to love.
Believe in love’s infinite journey, which starts with yourself.
Love and light for a sparkling weekend! xxx
Ah – and thanks for Romaan for bringing my attention to the Yogi tea inspirations, namaste brother! And thanks to Yogi tea for making them 🙂