Dropping the past – A Powerful breakthrough


I’ve been so anxious to let people, potential clients and students in particular, know why I practice and teach yoga.  To show everyone how far I’ve come, so they can see how far they can come also; or in all honesty, maybe even still to receive a small amount of sympathy for my past woes.  Then I kept wondering why my past problems would keep recurring and getting in my way!  Simple logic explains why..

Thus finally, during my Reiki and Seichem training last week, my teacher taught me further to listen to how my words were still plaguing me.  She also then reassured me something I kept saying I knew; but now I am so happy I can feel it too.  It’s that I need to be authentically who I am NOW!  There is no need to justify or advertise my wounds to ‘convince’ people I’m genuine and can empathise with their pain; as all this will become apparent as and when it needs to.

You get EVERYTHING you ask for, in one way or another.  So make sure you ask for nice things 😉

Love, light and health to all x

3 Replies to “Dropping the past – A Powerful breakthrough”

  1. Hey Christine,

    It’s Beth here ( from journeying with you in Norfolk last spring). I just wanted to say that I just found your website and blog and really loving it!!

    Go Girl!!!

    Hope you’re 2014 is starting out great. You’re is creative and inspiring. Keep going.
    Lots of love to you and Kay.

    Beth xxxxxxx

    1. Thank you so much Beth, that means a lot to hear from your beautiful self. 🙂 Much love and peace also in your direction. Smiling from the inside 😉 xxxxxxxx

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