Let’s face it, Monday has the tendency not to be a fun-day; but, it doesn’t have to be this way. Gently taking what you need from these few simple points (tried and tested) can help you to feel somewhat lighter and brighter.
- Cleanse, inside and out. Warm water (maybe add some lemon or lime), herbal tea; ensure you get a good dose of caffeine free rehydration to help flush the system. Also, have a shower or at least wash your face to help remove accumulated and oozed toxins from your skin.
- Get Moving! Anything from using a body brush, or rolling around and having a stretch on the floor to opening up with a few Sury Namaskara (sun salutations, we can never worship the sun too much); these babies activate all of your bodily systems and helps to shake out your s***
- Put on your favourite ambient but uplifting track, music is one of the easiest steps to help soothe the soul
- Wear something you feel good in, hopefully it can be warm and comfy but including an uplifting colour, or favourite item
- Go Easy on yourself and Smile. You’re human, not robot; and smiles release endorphins (the happy hormone)
Much love.