Yoga in the City

yoga in city

Living in London this past few years has shown me many examples of how yoga can help ease the tensions typically associated with city living.  Generally, where there is an abundance of people, there can be an absence of caring.  Crowd psychology states, for example, it is easier to lose our sense of responsibility for ourselves as well as others (even those more vulnerable).  From dropping litter to elbowing a bystander out of the way so we can move forwards a moment quicker in the race to our jobs; a situation I’ve often experienced when commuting at rush hour!  That said, I am still amazed at the difference a little yoga can make to my daily living; helping me to get some head space and a fresh perspective, providing me with the opportunity to take a step back out of the crowd so I can rediscover my core values, reminding me to give up my seat for the old lady who looks like she really does need it.

If you live in a big city you’ll know how ‘busy’ we can all be; how little time there is and the busier we feel, the quicker we try to do things, and the quicker things are done, the less efficient we become.   So instead of slowing down, even in the low energy of the autumn and winter, we often try to do more to make up for what we may have missed and thus end up feeling burnt out, or wondering why we’re so tired!?  I can hear a few of you say “Pfffft yoga/meditation, I never have the time for that.  It can’t help me” but the truth is; we can make the time.  Time has become such a commodity that we’ve all ended up selling our time along with our peace of mind.

A trick that yoga can teach you about managing a hectic work/fun/love life is; take your time and do things properly.  It can help you understand that all of these things you have to do, don’t all need to be done right now.  Check in and see how important it is to your health whether you make that deadline or, give your evening to that one extra date (in case he’s serious this time).  By doing things properly (being mindful to notice if the OCD starts kicking in though!) you can better reap the rewards and achieve a greater sense of satisfaction from the simple things.  Give yourself the time to be fully present in whatever you are doing, working on a project, holding a conversation or attending a class.

This post is too short to tell you the mechanics of exactly HOW yoga helps you but why not go try a favorite or new teacher’s class?  Take a deep breath and give it a shot.  Aim to ensure you can be slow in moving back home or on to your next location, to help the ancient methods of yoga reach you a bit deeper.  If you consider yoga too slow paced for you, perhaps try a Vinyasa style or Ashtanga which will make you sweat but whilst integrating the all important point about taking time for you.  And if you’re open enough there’s a lot more you can learn other than patience e.g. the importance of peace of mind and taking care of your body.

5 Tips for practicing yoga in a city

  1. Find a teacher whose class you enjoy and where you feel good.  There are a lot of us teachers so have courage to try again if you’ve not experienced a class you like yet
  3. Be kind to yourself, this also helps us learn how to be kind to others
  5. Smile.  It releases endorphins and helps lower stress and wrinkles


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